Monday, July 20, 2009

Chili's after Church!

Ty with his girls

Ty with the boys

Ty Time!

All this playing has really worn him out.

Haven't quite mastered sitting up on his own.

Trying to learn his colors. Is he staring at the horse or the chocolate?

Best Buds!

Gee! That's a bright flash!

Mama's little man is growing up too fast. Ty is now 17lbs. (73%) and 26in (75%) long at 4 1/2 months. Everyone thinks he is 6-8months old!!!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Ty Loves Nana's Tigger!

Ty & Pappy are so Cool!

Ty Meets Christopher!

1st Trip to Garner State Park!!

Ty's first of many times to enter Garner Park.
Sara fetched sticks none stop!

The water was so clear and beautiful.

Crack kills buddy!

Ty loves the water. The temp. was just right.

Ty is pooped!

Hangin' out with lil' Morgan!

Garner is so much fun!

Friends of Garner!

Robin is so sweet!