Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Ty's first set of immunization shots:(

He was not very happy that night and made his mommy pay!

Mother's Day

Nana & Pappy Pollok/ Linda & Bill

GG / Sharon, Ashleigh & Jeff

Aaron & Aiden

Ty after a long Mother's Day!

The Carter Family

Dad & Mom

The 4 Generations (Morgan, Joe, Ty & David) Dorothy & Janice w/ Ty

Papa & Nana Carter

Ashley & Rodd

Friday, May 8, 2009

Ty w/ Family & Friends

Ty with Nana celebrating his first Easter at Aunt Linda's house.

Aunt Tiffany "TT" spends time with Ty during his first Easter.

Ty is chillin' with his cool Uncle Matt, Aunt Paula, Uncle Cody & Aunt Em at home!

Bonding with Dad!!

Hangin' out on the couch w/ the boys.

Ty took his first "bubble bath" with dad! He enjoys relaxing in a nice warm bath before going to bed.


Hi everyone!
Thought I'd start this blog so you can see baby Ty and watch him grow! The pic. to the right was him when he was still in my belly and below is a pic. of him not long after we brought him home from the hospital. He is such a cutie!!